Aikido Kanji

Monthly Dues Scholarships

Our community of students and instructors support our nonprofit dojo through regular monthly dues.

If any member feels the normal monthly dues will be a financial burden, they can ask to pay an amount which is manageable for them. This includes existing students who have had a change to their financial situation.

Scholarships are not meant to be used as a discount to a student who trains infrequently, but rather to allow us to welcome everyone who wishes to join our dojo. The presence of each new student is an asset in itself.

Scholarship recipients should help the dojo by doing extra cleaning, participating in dojo projects, and helping with the kids program.

Monthly dues scholarships are re-evaluated semi-annually.

Scholarship applications will be reviewed by a scholarship committee. All inquiries will be handled with discretion.

Students may also apply for seminar scholarships.


Our scholarship fund relies on donations from our community to assist students in fully experiencing an Aikido practice.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, donations to Aikido Seattle are tax-deductible

We also encourage you to donate to our operating fund.

Sign in to Donate to our Scholarship Fund

After signing in, you will be returned to this page where you can make a donation.